Unsere Stärke in Zahlen
What Is DevOps?
With DevOps, organizations evolve and improve their products faster than with traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This agility allows your business to be more competitive by serving your customers better.
DevOps is a cultural philosophy, followed by a set of tools and practices that enable a more efficient delivery of applications and services. DevOps is also a mix of automation, integration, working with infrastructure, continuous delivery, testing, monitoring and collaboration.
How to Choose the Best DevOps Partner?
With the global DevOps talent number growing every day, you need to be extra careful when choosing the right partner for you. When considering a partner, this is what we advise you to do before making the final call:
- Create a list of potential DevOps partners
- Pay attention to their domain knowledge and technical expertise
- Check if they are a match with your company
- Be sure to ask for references and case studies
- Get to the shortlist, which you will validate using all the parameters
- Negotiate terms and pricing

What Are the Benefits of DevOps?
Dreamers, Meet Doers
We’re at our best when matching the ambition of our clients – finding new and better ways to solve problems, and make digital products that generate lasting value.
With DevOps engineers experienced in working with CI/CD tools and building complex deployment pipelines, we can support our clients’ various needs.
Our projects run on most cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, GCP and Digital Ocean, using monitoring tools to ensure system stability and responsiveness.
Vega IT DevOps engineers can help you decide which cloud service is optimal for your business case and what architectural characteristics are required from the system. They can also help you package your applications in containers, allowing you to avoid vendor lock-in.
Let's talk
Technologies we mostly use
Which business model suits you?
Different budgets, deadlines, challenges, and requirements. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to software development. To match your exact goals and ambitions, we offer two types of business models:
- Time & material: Greater control. Flexibility. Participation in candidate selection. With no rigid processes or end dates, this business model is easier to scale up or down as your business needs change.
- Fixed price: Fixed scope. Fixed budget. Fixed timeline. Those are the main benefits of the fixed price model. You set the requirements upfront, and we deliver the project within them.
Many clients choose to start with the fixed-price model. However, as their project scope evolves, they typically shift to the time & material model.

Let’s build the world you imagine, together.

Sasa gründete Vega IT vor 16 Jahren gemeinsam mit seinem ehemaligen Studienkollegen Vladan. Ihr Traum, ein IT-Unternehmen zu gründen, hat sich zu einem der führenden Softwareunternehmen mit mehr als 900 Ingenieuren entwickelt. Wenn Sie es vorziehen, eine E-Mail zu senden, können Sie sich gerne an hello.sasa@vegaitglobal.com wenden.
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